Children are unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they're going to catch you in next - Franklin P Jones

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Can I just say...

Being a parent is hard - but holy hell there are idiots out there breeding! This woman takes the cake! Mind you, this isnt the first horror story I could tell..a number of years ago, whilst I was obviously INSANE, I belonged to a parenting forum. On that forum there was a mother in Queensland who used to give her toddler beer in a sippy cup. Can I just say that I rolled around on the ground howling with laughter at that one - what kind of idiot would a) give a toddler beer and b) then go and brag about it!

I know parenting is hard - in fact there is a distinct lack of zippy-da-do-da blue bird sitting on your shoulder moments when you are a parent. If parenting had a sound track it would be the same as Nightmare on Elm Street. But regardless of how hard you have to grind your teeth and remind yourself that killing your own offspring is in fact illegal, it isnt so hard that you forget that beer is not for babies.

Oh I know people who phenergan their kids to sleep every single night and I dont agree with that either, and good grief - it doesnt take any more brain cells than it took to have unprotected sex in the first place to know that drugging / giving alcohol to a child is a bad bad thing.

Oh well, if nothing else I get to be smug and condescending about NOT being the worst mother in the world.



Blogger Ingsthings said...

interesting - this story never even made smh

8:02 PM


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