Children are unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they're going to catch you in next - Franklin P Jones

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Thing About 5 Year Old Boys...

The thing about five year old boys is that they are entirely delicious.

Last night his royal highness Alex J refused to put on his jammies and instead thought it would be a brilliant idea to put his hands behind his ears, wave them at me and go ‘nah nah na na nah’. Which got him the count of three and the threat of being sent to bed without any telly if he kept that up. He kept it up.

Five minutes later there are tears and a bedraggled boy pulling on his jammies with Mummy standing over him with her arms crossed and the angry face on.

‘Oh Mummy,’ he said ‘I’m sorry I was naughty, I couldn’t help it – my brain made me do it!’ ‘Oh dear,’ I replied ‘what can we do to make sure your brain listens to me?’ He thought for a moment, then shook his head sadly ‘There’s nothing you can do Mum, my brain cant hear or see you. Only I can tell it to behave and it doesn’t listen to me’.

Oh dear we are at an impasse.

I am madly in love with him at the moment. He is affectionate, funny and so innocent that he makes my heart burst. He is like chocolate lava cake and the smell of clean sheets on the washing line. He is your favourite cuddly toy from childhood – the one that had the missing ear and all the fluff was worn off from the hugs. He is, in a word, sensational.

Poor Bee, if she was reading this she would think that I loved him more than her and that is just not true. Kids don’t understand that when a new kid comes on the scene it doesn’t mean that your heart is made smaller but instead grows to make room for the new one.

Bee is 8 now, and in fact she will be 9 next month and she continues to amaze me. Where Alex is delicious she is crystal bright and shiny. She is the sun in your face on a summer morning; the sound of the ocean late at night and a cold margarita in a very large glass. Nobody could make me prouder than that girl. She is my star.

Look at me blathering on about my kids and this a blog about mothers having brains! And you don’t have to be smart at all to love my kids; I reckon an idiot would adore them!


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