A Christmas to forget
So how was it for me? Hmmm was it the dead possum on the back lawn that somehow spontaneously appeared there on Christmas morning,which required some quick thinking to appease distraught children with stories of Santa’s sleigh knocking it out of a tree on the way in? Was it the hideous PMT that turned me into a psychopath who threatened to bin the daughters Christmas presents if she didn’t make her bed right then and there? Was it when I burst into tears when we realized that we had completely incinerated the carefully glazed ham on an overheated BBQ? Or were the carcogengically destroyed roast veggies killed by the same BBQ?
It was not my favourite Christmas day. I really missed having family around and although Janice and Kelly were really sweet and I enjoyed having them around for a late revolting lunch, I really did miss having Kieran and Melinda there. Christmas never feels right when it is just us. Even Beeb’s lamented at our orphan status – her friends are surrounded at Christmas time with family and she was feeling quite lost and more than a little bored.
I had calmed down by boxing day and actually started to chill out a bit and once the Christmas tree was gone it was relief all around. I love Christmas trees but before Christmas they remind me of a night out – you know a young girl with sparkling eyes, glossy lips and shiny new heels bursting with anticipation and excitement – but by Boxing Day the same tree looks like a really bad hangover – the gloss has gone, it tends to tilt alarmingly and it constantly reminds you that the big night didn’t quite live up to expectations.
I didn’t leave the house for four days. I was in a self imposed detention centre and I didn’t even want to go as far as the rubbish bins. I was happy hiding on the couch watching recorded tv series and eating left over trifle.
Today Alex and Bee came to the office, and I had the following questions from the delightful 5 year old.
Do you have Club Penguin on your computer?
Can you swing around in your chair whenever you want to?
Does Daddy work here too?
Am still loving the small delicious boy!